Friday, February 11, 2011

Quick Tips For Your Mac Computer from Up Your Media

Here are some quick solutions to problems and issues I've come across in my work over the last 2 weeks, and thank you to those clients who gave me the opportunity to discover the solutions in the first place. If you don't wish to receive these regular informative emails please let me know and I'll remove you from the list immediately.

Lost your tool bar at the top of your browser or mail window? Look in the View menu of the particular application for the Show Toolbar function.

Looking for a specific link on a busy webpage (ie., contact, archives, faq)? Type command (⌘) f to Find that particular word and save your time and eyes.

Need info on a file or folder on your computer? Highlight the item, type command (⌘) I to Get Info, which will display many details including kind, size, date modified, sharing and permissions and more, depending on the item.

Need to type French Accents? Here are the steps to adding French Accents to your documents, type the option and listed key simultaneously, then the appropriate letter key.
Grave (è) – option + ~
Aigu (é) – option + e
Cédille (ç) – option + c
Circonflexe (ê) – option + i
Tréma (ö) – option + u

Syncing calendars from your Blackberry, PC, iCal and iPhone? It can be tricky, but the best bet is to export your calendars to a Google calendar and sync them to your devices from there.

Don't forget my MacBook and iMac upgrade hard drive special, 1 TB for the iMac for $199.00 or 500 Mb for a Macbook or Macbook Pro for $175.00, data transfer not included.